Let us introduce you to our PRETTY little list of DESIGNERS

Specially selected by our team with our Timeless bride in mind. These dresses always exude elegance and exquisite cut and fabric.

Our price range is £1499 - £4500 depending on each dress and designer. If you have your eye on a particular dress or designer, please feel free to email us, message us on Instagram or give us a call on 02920229915.

Alternatively, we also have a sample rail for dresses under £1499 which is available on request.

Milla Nova

Price Point £1499 - £4500

Millanova has quickly risen to become one of the most sought-after wedding dress designers internationally.

A 95% female run company, the brand understands the fashion led, modern bride.

Individuality is one of the most important aspects of their designs. This is why they are continuously featured in Vogue and Elle.

Collections Available :



Madi Lane

Price Point £1399 - £2399

Australian designer, Madi Lane is for the hopeless romantic bride. She exudes cool girl vibes and elegance at the same time.

“It is easier to describe who Madi Lane is by describing who she is not. She is not the observation of monotonous traditions. She is not a part of the pack. She is not a face in the crowd. She is not one in the same… she is everything that is ‘woman’.”

Trish Peng

Price Point £1399 - £3299

Trish Peng is a leading wedding dress designer in New Zealand and internationally. She is renowned for her effortlessly cool and feminine custom pieces.

Elegant and feminine, Trish Peng also boasts an enviable collection of bridal minis.

Avenue by Josephine Scott

Coming Soon

Dando London

Price Point: £1699 - £2899

Christine Dando’s dresses are cherished for their beautiful cut and fit by brides. Lovingly designed in London, each dress is meticulously crafted with a real woman in mind. Each detail and curve is carefully constructed to create a feminine piece of art.

Veni Infantino for Ronald Joyce

Price Point: £1350 - £2099

Quintessentially British, Ronald Joyce is known for their feminine and timeless designs. For the traditional bride who is a little daring.

Love & Liberty

Price Point: £2295 - £2699

For the contemporary bride, Love and Liberty is designed with a sophisticated yet playful element in mind. Beautiful cuts and sumptuous fabric, this British designer is fast becoming a household name.

Book an appointment.

